
FDOT Area of Interest Tool – Resilience Report

Virtual Training Workshop

Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 3:00 – 4:30 PM EDT


This training introduces the Resilience Report, a screening tool for evaluating flood exposure for user-specified areas of interest to existing and future natural hazards through the Environmental Screening Tool (EST).

Who Should Attend?

Interested stakeholders, FDOT, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, local community organizations, partners, and consultants. The Report is a component of the EST, so users need a an EST login or associated credentials to access the Area of Interest (AOI) Tool to submit requests for reports. This training workshop is open to non-AOI users with an interest in resilience. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Introduction to FDOT resilience mitigation efforts.
  • Describe natural hazard data sources and appropriate uses.
  • Demonstrate requesting, accessing, and interpreting the Resilience Report.


  • Background and Project Objectives
  • Data Sources in the Resilience Report
  • Demo:  Requesting, Accessing, and Interpreting the Report
  • Questions & Answers, Wrap-up

To register:

Registration is required: