The map viewer includes re-mapped SLR scenarios using the USACE 2013 and NOAA 2017 SLR projections. SLR scenarios were mapped by county using local tide gauge and sea level trends, and the best available Lidar-based elevation data. This re-mapped data was released in November 2020.
With the map viewer, users can explore areas of projected inundation and potentially affected infrastructure under nine SLR projection curves at the following time periods: 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080, and 2100.
It is highly recommended to read the Map Viewer User Guide before using the viewer.
Click on the map below to open the viewer:

Data Disclaimer and Use Constraints
This interactive mapping tool and the corresponding data (“Sketch Tool”) are for informational purposes only. The Sketch Tool provides a screening level view of potential flooding under various future SLR scenarios. The Sketch Tool is not intended to show the exact location of flooding and does not account for all variables affecting future flooding. The Sketch Tool does not include assessment of groundwater impacts, changing precipitation patterns, or erosion. As such, actual future flooding may differ from Sketch Tool results. The Sketch Tool should not be used for site specific design or analysis, engineering-level design, stormwater or drainage design, property assessment or evaluation, or navigation purposes. Commercial use of the Sketch Tool is prohibited.
These data are provided “as is”. The University of Florida GeoPlan Center makes no warranties, guaranties or representations about the truth, accuracy, completeness, quality or suitability of the data, either expressly or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The University of Florida GeoPlan Center shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying, contributing, displaying or distributing the materials. Any and all risk associated with the data and results are assumed by the user.